prizorišča in razstavni prostori v mestnem jedru Novega mesta: Galerija Dolenjskega muzeja Novo mesto in Jakčev dom, Galerija Kocka v KC Janeza Trdine ter Galerija Simulaker.

DATUM RAZSTAV: 15. 9. – 15. 10. 2023
ODPRTJE RAZSTAV: 15. 9. 2023
ROK ZA PRIJAVO: 28. 5. 2023 do 24:00 CET


Društvo likovnih umetnikov Dolenjske po štirih realiziranih mednarodnih projektih nadaljuje z organizacijo in izvedbo niza tematskih razstav sodobne likovne umetnosti. Letošnja tema 3. Mednarodnega bienala Likovne vizije, Etike(te) je LAŽ.

Laž in laganje sta, gledano z etičnega stališča nemoralno in nevredno dejanje, pa vendar stalnici, ki sta oblikovali in oblikujeta zgodovinska obdobja, znotraj njih pa formirata tako družbena kot individualna razmerja. Kot je dejal že Napoleon: »Zgodovina je vrsta upravičenih laži«. Po definiciji je laž v najširšem destruktivnem oz. negativnem smislu jezikovna praksa, za katero je značilno »zavestno zavajanje drugega z namenom, da mu naredimo škodo« (Terček v Karačić 2009, 71). Torej, z izrekanjem laži želimo zavajati v zmoto na način, da prejemnik informacije le to sprejme kot edino resnično, za doseganje lastnega cilja, ne glede na posledice, ki jih pri njem povzročimo. Poudariti pa je potrebno, da je vsako laganje zavajanje, vsako zavajanje pa ni nujno laganje, saj zavajamo lahko tudi z resnico (misliti resnico), ki je (lahko) zaradi pomanjkanja vednosti neresnična. Tema je bila skozi zgodovino redno prisotna v številnih razpravah filozofov, od Platona, Aristotela, do najbolj radikalnega Kanta, ki je laž označil za »najhujšo prekoračitev dolžnosti«, vir vsega zla, »pravi pravcati gnili madež na človeški naravi« in številnih sodobnikov. V vsakdanjem življenju nam izpovedovanje resnice ne ovirajo samo naše osebne težnje, temveč se velikokrat srečujemo z dejstvom, da takšni zahtevki prihajajo tudi iz socialno-družbenega okolja, kljub temu da
družba odklanja laž kot nedostojno dejanje, ji je ta zaradi praktičnih koristi pogosto ljubša od resnice. Kako odriva družba odkritosrčnost celo na ljubo očitne laži, se najpogosteje vidi v politični MANIPULACIJI. In kako se laž znajde v umetnosti? Na to vprašanje je Pablo Picasso odgovoril z mislijo: »Umetnost je laž, zaradi katere spoznamo resnico, vsaj resnico, ki jo lahko razumemo. Umetnik mora poznati način, kako prepričati druge v resničnost svojih laži«.

Naše bienalne razstave se sicer osredotočajo predvsem na likovno umetnost, torej večjo pozornost posvečamo umetniškim praksam, ki izhajajo iz tradicionalnih medijev, vendar k projektu vabimo tudi avtorje in avtorice, ki sodijo v polje intermedijskih oz. splošneje rečeno vizualnih umetniških praks iz razširjenega polja vizualne umetnosti.


Na 3. MEDNARODNI BIENALE LIKOVNE VIZIJE, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ 2023 se lahko preko javnega razpisa in z neposrednim pošiljanjem prijavnic prijavijo člani Zveze društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov in avtorji vseh zvrsti likovno-vizualne umetnosti, ki so s svojim dosedanjim delom dokazali visoko raven svojega ustvarjanja.

Avtorji se morajo prijaviti z izpolnjeno prijavnico v Word datoteki v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku. Če prijavljajo performans ali konceptualni projekt, lahko dodajo tudi video posnetek. Avtor lahko prijavi do tri svoja dela.

Prijavo je potrebno poslati na e-naslov po elektronski pošti dludolenjske@gmail.com ali po klasični pošti na naslov: DLUD, NOVO MESTO, Novi trg 5, s pripisom: 3. MEDNARODNI BIENALE LIKOVNE VIZIJE, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ 2023

Zaradi omejitev razstavnih prostorov, ki jih imamo na voljo, prosimo, da slike ne presegajo velikosti 2 m, skulpture pa ne velikosti 1,5 m.

Vsa dela, ki bodo ustrezala pogojem sodelovanja, bo pregledala strokovna žirija. Žirijo določi Društvo likovnih umetnikov Dolenjske v sodelovanju s člani skupine za organizacijo bienala. Žirija bo izbrala razstavljavce po merilu umetniške kvalitete del in ustreznosti vsebine bienala. Žirija si pridružuje pravico, da določi število razstavljenih del glede na prostorske omejitve. Avtorji bodo o izbiri del za razstavo in rokih dostave del obveščeni po končanem delu žirije.


POZOR! Prijavnica in slikovna datoteka morata vsebovati podatke v naslednji obliki: Priimek in ime avtorja_naslov dela ali BN_višina x širina x globina_tehnika_letnica nastanka.

Fotografijo izbranih del je treba nujno dodati, a poslati ločeno kot JPG datoteko na navedeno e-pošto. Pri pošiljanju prijave po pošti mora biti dodan USB-ključ ali CD z vsemi podatki o delu in s fotografijo. Vsaka fotografija mora vsebovati podatke o delu in mora biti v elektronski obliki (JPG 300 dpi, najdaljša stranica 25 cm, da bodo lahko uporabljene za oblikovanje in tisk kataloga neposredno ali za medijske objave). Avtorji, ki ne bodo poslali točnih in zahtevanih podatkov, ne bodo sodelovali na razstavi in njihova dela ne bodo objavljena v katalogu.

Podatki o delu morajo biti obvezno zapisani tudi na hrbtni strani slike, kipa ali dodani datoteki videa.

Vse posredovane informacije bomo uporabili za katalog 3. MEDNARODNEGA BIENALA LIKOVNE VIZIJE, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ 2023 in v promocijske namene. DLUD ne prevzema odgovornosti za točnost podatkov in objavo morebitnih nepravilnosti, ki jih je na PRIJAVNICI posredoval avtor sam. Dela, katerih fotografije bodo objavljene v katalogu, avtorji ne smejo nadomestiti z drugimi eksponati.

S prijavo avtor soglaša z razpisnimi pogoji in zagotavlja, da je izbrano delo avtorsko, da je nastalo v predhodnem dveletnem obdobju in da ga lahko v namen promocije uporabimo kot fotografijo dela v katalogu, na vabilu, na spletni strani DLUD in ZDSLU, na Facebooku DLUD in ZDSLU ter na Instagramu ZDSLU, prav tako ga lahko damo v uporabo medijem.


Razpis za 3. MEDNARODNI BIENALE LIKOVNE VIZIJE ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ 2023 je odprt za slovenske avtorje, avtorje iz evropskih in nevropskih držav.

Pravilno izpolnjeno PRIJAVNICO za 3. MEDNARODNI BIENALE LIKOVNE VIZIJE, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ 2023 pošljite na DLUD najkasneje do 28. 5. 2023 do 24:00 CET. Kasnejših prijav ne bomo upoštevali.

Po potrebi dodajte tudi vse ostale pomembne relevantne informacije o vašem delu. Podatke vpisujte v zgornjo tabelo v Wordu.

Strokovna žirija bo podelila 3 nagrade (1.000,00 EUR in samostojna razstava v Galeriji Kocka Novo mesto, 750,00 EUR, 500,00 EUR) in 5 priznanj 3. MEDNARODNEGA BIENALA LIKOVNE VIZIJE, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ 2023. Nagrade in priznanja bomo slovesno podelili na odprtju razstav.

Nagrajene avtorje bomo posebej predstavili na spletni strani, Facebooku ter na Instagramu DLUD in ZDSLU, ki bo partner bienala.

Organizacijski odbor: Sandra Boršić (MO NM), Sandra Hrovat (ZNM – KCJT NM), Maid Hadžihasanović (Simulaker), Nataša Mirtič (DLUD), Robert Lozar (DLUD), Alojz Konec (DLUD), Petra Kosi (ZDSLU).

Tajnica Bienala: Daša Uhan.

Žirija: Goran Milovanović (BJ K), Jasna Kocuvan Štukelj (DM NM), Nina Sotelšek (MM Krško), Jožica Medle (US DLUD), Iztok Hotko (Simulaker), Dajana Vlaisavljević (MG ZG), Olga Butinar Čeh (ZDSLU).


Izbrana dela, zavarovana in primerno zapakirana, avtorji sami in na lastne stroške dostavijo neposredno na naslov: Jakčev dom, Sokolska ulica 1, 8000 Novo mesto.

Dela morajo biti označena z imenom in priimkom avtorjev ter morajo imeti na hrbtni strani tudi zaščiteno (v plastični mapi) in dobro vidno izpolnjeno prijavnico za razstavo. Prav tako mora biti vsako posamezno delo (če jih je več) označeno tako na eksponatu kot tudi na embalaži. Za vračanje eksponatov bodo poskrbeli organizatorji. Pri podiranju razstave in ob prevzemu del bo prisotna posebna komisija, ki bo pregledala in ugotovila morebitne poškodbe na eksponatih.


Zavarovanje del v času razstave je strošek organizatorja. Za poškodbe med transportom organizator ne odgovarja.


Vse dodatne informacije poiščite na spletnih straneh: DLUD, ZDSLU ter MO Novo mesto. Morebitna vprašanja lahko pošljete na e-naslov: dludolenjske@gmail.com ali pokličite na telefonsko številko +386 40 699 799 (tajnica bienala Daša Uhan).


Venues and exhibition spaces in the city centre of Novo Mesto: Gallery of the Museum of Dolenjska Novo mesto and the Jakčev dom Gallery, the Kocka Gallery in the Janez Trdina Cultural Centre and the Simulaker Gallery.

EXHIBITION DATES: 15 September – 15 October 2023
EXHIBITION OPENING: 15 September 2023
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 28 May 2023, CET, until midnight


After organizing four international projects, the Association of Fine Artists of Dolenjska continues with the implementation of a series of thematic exhibitions of contemporary fine art. This  year’s theme of the 3rd International Biennale of Fine Art Vision, Etike(te) is LAŽ / LIE.

Lies and lying are, viewed from an ethical point of view, an immoral and an unworthy acts, but they are the constants that have shaped and are shaping historical periods, and within them they form both social and individual relationships. It was Napoleon who already said: “History is a series of justified lies.” By definition, a lie in the broadest destructive or negative sense, is a linguistic practice characterized by “consciously deceiving others with the intention of harming them” (Terček in Karačić 2009, 71). So, by telling a lie, we want to mislead in such a way that the recipient of the information only accepts this as the only truth, in order to achieve his own goal, regardless of the consequences caused. However, it must be emphasized that every lie is a deception, and every deception is not necessarily a lie, since we can also deceive with the truth (to think the truth) which may be untrue due to lack of knowledge.

Throughout history, the topic has been present in many philosophical discussions, from Plato, Aristotle, to the most radical Kant, who described lying as “the worst transgression of duty”, the source of all evil, “the true rotten stain on human nature” and many other contemporaries. In everyday life, telling the truth is not only hindered by our personal aspirations, but we often face the fact that such demands also come from the social environment. Nonetheless, society rejects lying and claims it is an indecent act, however, it still keeps choosing it because of its practical benefits. How society pushes away candour, even at the expense of obvious lies, is most often seen in political MANIPULATION. And how does a lie find its way into art? Pablo Picasso answered this  question by saying: “Art is a lie which makes us get to know the truth, at least the truth that we can understand. An artist must know how to convince others of the truth of his lies.”

Although our biennial exhibitions focus mainly on fine art, therefore, we pay more attention to artistic practices that come from traditional media, but we also invite authors who belong to the field of intermedia art or more generally, visual art practices from the extended field of visual art.


Members of the Association of Slovenian Fine Artists and authors of all genres of fine art and visual art who have so far demonstrated a high level of performance with their work, can
apply for the 3rd INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF ART VISIONS, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ / LIE 2023 through a public call and by sending application forms directly.

All authors must apply with a completed application form in a word file in Slovenian or English. If they submit a performance or a conceptual project, they can also add a video clip. The author can register up to three of his works.

The application must be sent to the e-mail address dludolenjske@gmail.com or by regular mail to the address: DLUD, NOVO MESTO, Novi trg 5, with the note: 3rd INTERNATIONAL BIENIAL OF ART VISION, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ / LIE 2023

Due to the limitations of the available exhibition space, we kindly ask that paintings do not exceed 2 m in size and sculptures no more than 1.5 m in size.

All works that meet the conditions of participation will be reviewed by an expert jury. The jury is selected by the Association of Fine Artists of Dolenjska in cooperation with the members of the biennial organization group. The jury will select the exhibitors based on the criteria of the artistic quality of the works and the adequacy of the content for the biennial. The jury reserves the right to determine the number of exhibited works based on space limitations. The authors will be informed about the selection of works for the exhibition and the deadlines for the delivery of the works after the jury has finished the selection process.


The application form and image file must contain information in the following format: Surname and first name of the author_title of the work or BN_height x width x depth_technique_year of creation.

A photo of the selected works must be added, but sent separately as a JPG file to the specified e-mail address. When sending the application by post, a USB key or CD with all the work information and a photo must be added. Each photo must contain information about the work and must be in electronic format (JPG 300 dpi, longest side 25 cm, so that they can be used for the design and printing of the catalogue directly or for media publications). Authors who do not send accurate and required information will not participate in the exhibition and their works will not be published in the catalogue.

Information about the work must also be written on the back of the picture, statue or added video file.

We will use all the information provided for the catalogue of the 3rd INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF ART VISION, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ / LIE 2023 and for promotional purposes. DLUD
does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the data and the publication of possible irregularities, which were provided by the author himself on the APPLICATION FORM. The authors may not replace the works whose photos will be published in the catalogue with other exhibits.

By applying, the author agrees to the tender conditions and guarantees that the selected work is authorial, that it was created in the previous two-year period and that its photo can be used for the purpose of promotion in the catalogue, on the invitation, on the DLUD and ZDSLU website, on DLUD Facebook page and on ZDSLU Instagram ZDSL, it can also be made available to the media.


The call for the 3rd INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF ARTISTIC VISIONS OF ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ / LIE 2023 is open to Slovenian authors, authors from European and non-European countries.

Please send the correctly completed APPLICATION FORM for the 3rd INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF ART VISION, ETIKETE – LAŽ / LIE 2023 to DLUD no later than May 28 2023 until
24:00 CET. After this date, applications will not be considered.

If necessary, add any other important relevant information about your work. Enter the data in the above table in the word document.

The expert jury will award 3 prizes (EUR 1,000.00 and a solo exhibition in the Kocka Novo Mesto Gallery, EUR 750.00, EUR 500.00) and 5 recognitions of the 3rd INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF ART VISION, ETIKE(TE) – LAŽ / LIE 2023. Prizes and awards will be solemnly awarded at the opening of the exhibitions.

Award-winning authors will be specially presented on the website, Facebook page and Instagram of DLUD and ZDSLU, which will be a partner of the biennial.

Organizing committee: Sandra Boršić (MO NM), Sandra Hrovat (ZNM – KCJT NM), Maid Hadžihasanović (Simulaker), Nataša Mirtič (DLUD), Robert Lozar (DLUD), Alojz Konec (DLUD),
Petra Kosi (ZDSLU).

Biennial secretary: Daša Uhan.

Jury: Goran Milovanović (BJ K), Jasna Kocuvan Štukelj (DM NM), Nina Sotelšek (MM Krško), Jožica Medle (US DLUD), Iztok Hotko (Simulaker), Dajana Vlaisavljević (MG ZG), Olga Butinar
Čeh (ZDSLU).


Selected works, insured and properly packed, are delivered by the authors themselves and at their own expense directly to the address: Jakčev dom, Sokolska ulica 1, 8000 Novo mesto.

The works must be marked with the first and last name of the authors and must also have a protected (in a plastic folder) and clearly visible completed application form for the exhibition on the back. Similarly, each individual work (if there are several) must be marked both on the exhibit and on the packaging. The organizers will take care of returning the exhibits. A special committee will be present during the dismantling of the exhibition and when the works are taken over, which will inspect and identify any damage to the exhibits.


Insurance of the works during the exhibition is the cost of the organizer. The organizer is not responsible for injuries during transport.


Please find all additional information on the websites: DLUD, ZDSLU and MO Novo mesto. You can send any questions to the e-mail address: dludolenjske@gmail.com or call +386 40 699 799 (biennial secretary Daša Uhan).


Društvo likovnih umetnikov Dolenjske, Bele krajine in Posavja - DLUD

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